Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Discrimination Is An Action Unfair Treatment - 1263 Words

Prejudice and Discrimination As a society today, the majority of people will discriminate towards other people who simply just â€Å" don’t fit in† to their society. Discrimination is an action-unfair treatment directed against someone. Discrimination can be based on many characteristics: age, sex, height, weight, skin color, clothing, speech, income, education, marital status, sexual orientation, disease, disability, religion, and politics. When the basis of discrimination is someone’s perception of race, it is known as racism. Discrimination is often the result of an attitude called prejudice- a prejudging of some sort, usually in a negative way. There is positive prejudice, as when people think that some group is superior than others, but†¦show more content†¦Situations that I have most recently encountered that has involved discrimination and prejudice was: being judgmental towards a perspective resident at work, having a family/friend member discrim inate towards by boyfriend because he is black, and online news article that I scanned by about the company GAP and how they had to apologize about their â€Å"racial† new campaign. Working in real estate always has me on my toes. I try to be very careful on how I word things to others, because people can always twist my words and it can come back on me, and sometimes it makes me look racist when I’m not. In this case it was me who was being judgmental. They always say to not judge a book by its cover, and I did. When perspective residents come in inquiring about an apartment I usually can feel out who is really interested and more than likely willing to place their deposit and who is here just to waste time. Just the other morning I had a father and his two kids come in, both children still had their pajamas on, they looked like they had honestly just rolled out of bed and got into a car and came straight on over. The dad had on sweat pants and a t-shirt with food sta ins all over. They were looking for an apartment to move into immediately. I told them I did have one two bedroom that was available for an immediate move-in but instantly told him how much it was, that he had to pass a credit and criminal background, and that there is a deposit and application

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